
More time, more money, save with subscriptions

  • Cheap. Cheaper. Subscription. Generous discounts compared to buying single tickets.
  • Simple. Simpler. Subscription. The ticket comes free of charge and runs for as long as you want but for at least 12 months. The amount will be debited from your account monthly in advance.
  • Easy. Easier. Subscription. Your loved ones will enjoy a subscription too: many subscriptions are transferable and offer attractive transportation arrangements.
  • Green. Greener. Subscription. Every time you travel by bus or train, you protect the environment and climate by reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
  • Handy. Handier. Subscription. With a subscription, you always have your ticket in your pocket and can use the bus and train whenever you like.
  • Safe. Safer. Subscription. You get your subscription ticket as an electronic chip card (eTicket) that can be blocked immediately if it's lost.

With a VRS subscription, you can also use the rental bike and car sharing offers in the VRS network at a discounted price. The VRS eTicket is your key for cars and bikes. Info at: